Kedma Kedma Lift Us Up 2 Piece Set (Lifting Serum and Eye Cream)
By Bibas
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An advanced anti-aging lifting set with Dead Sea minerals. A set of Lifting Serum and Eye Cream to lift the skin around the eyes.

Lifting Serum
This highly concentrated, mineral-rich serum helps fight eye-bags and alleviate sagging eyebrows and eyelids. This deep-absorbing, light serum also softens the look of expression lines. Aloe Vera (Vitamins E and B Complex( nourish and moisturize the skin, and Chamomile extract soothes the skin. Antioxidant Vitamin A rejuvenates your skin, making it look young and healthy. Use as a base under your Kedma Cream for maximum effect

Eye Cream
Kedma Eye cream consists of Dead Sea minerals, age-defying ingredients, plant extracts and natural oils. Use daily to keep the skin around the eyes and neck look young and healthy. The cream minimizes the appearance of wrinkles by penetrating deep into the dermis and renewing the cells. Also includes Vitamin C whose effectiveness against wrinkles and fine lines is scientifically proven.

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